Be Bop Baby is a 15 year old grey mare that has been to horse hell and back. She was rescued from a farm in Many, Louisiana in January of 2012 along with 60 plus other starving thoroughbreds. The photos below will be disturbing to some but take comfort in knowing she is safe now and is ready for her new home.
We would like to thank all who supported us during this rescue and donated from the bottom of their hearts. We could not have done this without your help.
May 2012
January 2012
May 2012
January 2012
ADOPTED 6-9-12
Bo Bop Baby is ready for adoption. She has overcome every obstacle that was before her and is a survivor, and hero, and is an inspiration to everyone who works in horse rescue. When Be Bop arrived at RMR she was near death, even smelling like dead flesh. Now she is a glistening, beautiful mare with a personality as beautiful as she is. I have never met a more grateful, kind horse. She knows she is special and shows appreciation to everyone she meets. She is amazing.
If you are not in a position to adopt you can still be a part in other retired racehorses recoveries and rehoming. TEAM RESTART is a program we started to allow people who want to help to give on a monthly basis without any hassle. Sign up today and be a part of our team by helping us help others like Be Bop Baby.
Be Bop Baby gr/ro, f Foaled April 8, 1997 in Maryland
Two Punch, 1983
Mr. Prospector, 1970
Raise A Native, 1961
Native Dancer, 1950
Polynesian, 1942
Geisha, 1943
Raise You, 1946
Case Ace, 1934
Lady Glory, 1934
Gold Digger, 1962
Nashua, 1952
*Nasrullah, 1940
Segula, 1942
Sequence, 1946
Count Fleet, 1940
Miss Dogwood, 1939
Heavenly Cause, 1978
*Grey Dawn II, 1962
*Herbager, 1956
=Vandale (FR), 1943
=Flagette (FR), 1951
Polamia, 1955
*Mahmoud, 1933
Ampola, 1949
Lady Dulcinea, 1963
Nantallah, 1953
*Nasrullah, 1940
Shimmer, 1945
Shy Dancer, 1955
Bolero, 1946
Shy Bim, 1948
Rollicking Dolly, 1989
Rollicking, 1967
Rambunctious, 1960
*Rasper II, 1952
=Owen Tudor (GB), 1938
=Red Sunset (GB), 1941
*Danae II, 1947
*The Solicitor II, 1941
=Justitia (GB), 1935
Martinetta, 1961
Martins Rullah, 1955
*Nasrullah, 1940
Shy Katie, 1945
Gracefield, 1953
Windfields, 1943
Your Grace, 1941
El Hamo, 1976
Search For Gold, 1969
Raise A Native, 1961
Native Dancer, 1950
Raise You, 1946
Gold Digger, 1962
Nashua, 1952
Sequence, 1946
Buena Notte, 1964
Victoria Park, 1957
Chop Chop, 1940
Victoriana, 1952
*Midinette II, 1958
=Tantieme (FR), 1947
=Milonga (ITY), 1948
3MA x 4MD Gold Digger 3SA x 4SD Raise A Native 4MA x 5MD Raise You 4MA x 5MD Sequence 4SA x 5SD Native Dancer 4SA x 5SD Nashua 5SA x 5SB x 5SC *Nasrullah