A 501(c)3 Tax exempt program specializing in rehabilitating and retraining retired racehorses for second careers
Thank you to everyone who donated to this wonderful project through Remember Me Rescue. We raised $420 for the film. In addition to raising money online Donna also sent out an email blast to everyone on her email. One email reached an especially generous person, Rich Papiese of Midwest Thoroughbreds. The day after Rich received the email he called Donna to let her know he not only wanted to donate but wanted to make sure Kara could do this right. He offered to match the $12,000 goal, assuring she would have at least $24,000 to do her project.
Thank you Rich and Midwest Thoroughbreds for making this film a dream come true, and allowing Kara to spend the time and money to do a really good job promoting our exracehorses and all the people who help them retrain for new careers!
So far Kara has traveled to parts of Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and New York. She wants to make more trips to Virginia, New York and Kentucky as well as go to Louisiana, Texas and Ohio. It is important for her to film everyone and anyone who wants to be involved. This film is a group effort through the entire thoroughbred industry.
Now she will be able to do it and do it right!
Way to go Kara, we are proud of you for doing this for our horses.